

New Thing is your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union


Curious about where NewThing.net came from?


A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow New Thing in Belarus...



When a massive truck backs in, what’s on board?

Ding Dong! Pizza’s Here!


You can’t imagine the joy: In Belarus, pizza isn’t just a shrug of the shoulders, like in America.


Pizza is a beautiful thing.


This truck from Germany brought more than 19,000 lbs. of pizza ... plus more than 8500 lbs. of clothing and shoes ...


And bicycles! A valuable source of transportation in the villages.


In the USA, we would call this $6300 worth of goods.

For people in need in Belarus?... PRICELESS.


It’s already cold in Belarus.

Our “Response of the Heart” team leader Anatoly guides the effort regardless.

His daughter Vera (at right) is on hand to doublecheck every detail of the incoming shipments.


Your generosity keeps our “Response of the Heart” team at work!


Thank you for helping people in need in Belarus, through your faithful giving.


Every donation, big or small, makes a difference!


More adventures to come!


Thanks for journeying with us!


Much love,

Doug Brendel


(Photos by our dear friend Oleg Yarovenko)


To help the people of Belarus by giving to New Thing online — click here

To send a check by snail mail — New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938

Thanks again!