

New Thing is your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union


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A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow New Thing in Belarus...


Summer vacation? No way....

Compassion is hard work!


In the space of 25 days, our “Response of the Heart” welcomed 3 massive truckloads of humanitarian aid from Germany.

It’s not like this was an unusual season, however. These were loads #11, #12, and #13 of the year!


These 3 shipments totaled nearly 33 tons — with a value of $15,748.22!


Beds, mattresses, bedding...



Furniture, carpeting...



Refrigerators, stoves...


Washing machines, microwaves...


Ironing boards, baby strollers, crutches...


Sinks, baby car seats, kitchenware, kitchen supplies...


Clothing, shoes, vacuum cleaners, boilers, and more!

...All for people who couldn’t possibly buy such goods themselves.


Anatoly has directed our warehouse system for years.


I think Anatoly and his wife Elena are two of the hardest-working people in Belarus.


(That’s his daughter Victoria encouraging him to take it easy.)


Bicycles have huge value in the villages of Belarus. Children are thrilled to own a bike, of course, but...


For some adults in the villages of Belarus, a bicycle can be the primary form of transportation.


The heat and humidity were brutal in Minsk this summer.

I can’t remember ever seeing volunteers go shirtless, but it was a survival strategy!


As much cargo as possible goes into the “warehouse” purchased with the donations of generous New Thing friends years ago.


What doesn’t fit in the warehouse goes into the adjacent church, which Anatoly pastors. (This summer, a LOT of aid went into the church.)

From storage, the aid moves through inventory, customs clearance — and then to people in need.


Some assembly required!


Most aid consists of crucial necessities — but families with young children are hugely grateful to receive toys and baby gear that they couldn’t possibly afford themselves.


(Workers’ children are happy to observe the hard work — and maybe even help a little.)


Vera officially monitors and manages the humanitarian aid, but the whole team gets involved in the process.


Every ounce of cargo is scrupulously accounted for.


Elena and her church team always make sure there are refreshments available for workers — and something hearty to eat at the end of a long, hard day.


Our “Response of the Heart” team, our volunteers, and thousands of people in need across Belarus are grateful for everyone who gives so generously to New Thing!


Thanks for journeying with us!


More adventures to come!

Much love,

Doug Brendel


(Photos by our beloved photographer Oleg Yarovenko.)


To give online — click here

To send a check by snail mail — New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938

Thanks again!