is your love in action, inside the former
Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow our New Thing ministry in Belarus...
Summertime Compassion Schedule:
Summer vacation? No way.
Love goes to work every day!
Your support for New Thing is felt all year round by people in need in the former Soviet Union.
Valentina (eating, at left) has no arms. We have the privilege of feeding her (and up to 140 others) at our soup kitchen in Minsk, headed by Pastor Sasha (at right).
Your support for New Thing helps the homeless and poor of Minsk every single day.
The outstanding Chernobyl Aid Ireland organization frequently brings volunteers and materials to the Grodno region of Belarus, to renovate an institution caring for the disabled.
Your support for New Thing enables our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team, headed by ÒThe Great Kozovaya,Ó to get them into the country and coordinate their work with the authorities.
In Osipovichi, at the boarding school for disabled children, your love is felt every time a child needs a Band-Aid or an aspirin.
New ThingÕs supporters provide all the basic meds for these kids, every year!
Every time ÒThe Great KozovayaÓ (left) and her team oversee the arrival of another multi-ton shipment of donated food and goods from other countries...
Every time
our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team shares another piece of medical equipment or
furniture or clothing with someone in need — or a toy with a child—
ThatÕs your love in action. Your support for New Thing makes it happen.
THANK YOU to every generous soul who has contributed to New Thing this summer!
More adventures to come! Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
To give online — click here
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To send a check by snail mail — New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938
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Thanks again!