is your love in action, inside the former
Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow our New Thing ministry in Belarus...
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Love on wheels!
It happens more than a dozen times a year ... a massive truck arrives in Minsk from some other country, delivering tons of donated humanitarian aid.
This time itÕs a 10-ton load from Germany, worth thousands of dollars: wheelchairs and medical supplies, clothing, a washing machine, mattresses, tables and chairs, a couch, a fridge, kitchenware (including hotplates), and bicycles!
A child somewhere in Belarus — poor, or orphaned, or disabled — a child who could never even dream of owning a new bicycle — is going to be absolutely THRILLED!
The rest of the aid will go to orphanages, hospitals and clinics, foster families, families caring for disabled children, the elderly, the homeless, and the list goes on.
(Our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team processes literally thousands of requests for help every year.)
ItÕs a complex process. Depending on how and when items will be distributed, some go into our ÒwarehouseÓ (twin shipping containers, at left);
others go into the basement of the church next door (by way of a homemade ramp, at right).
Volunteers of all ages do the heavy lifting. (This little guy was happy to serve but didnÕt like being photographed with Gramps!)
Our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team leader, ÒThe Great Kozovaya,Ó tirelessly manages the entire effort.
Generous friends of New Thing make the whole operation possible.
Your donations keep Kozovaya and our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team on the job, arranging donations and deliveries, cataloguing absolutely every item, and distributing them to people in need all across Belarus.
Thank you to all who have given so faithfully!
More adventures to come. Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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