

New Thing is your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union


Curious about where NewThing.net came from?




A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow New Thing in Belarus...




Most Beautiful Question:

See anything you like?


The little guy can’t wait for the door to open. Big sister tries to be nonchalant....


Our “Response of the Heart” team, with the support of caring friends like you,

set up a “boutique” in Minsk for children and families in need.


The American term is “humanitarian aid”...

But it can mean so much more to a child in Belarus.


These photos were taken in a single hour. But they represent outreaches from December into February,

to the poor, orphans, disabled children, and (pictured here) officially designed “large families” in need of aid.


Dads shopping for their kids, even in Belarus, can appreciate baby shoes — and dolls.


Books are still a huge draw in Belarus. Moms look for books their kids will like...


...But the kids don’t wait for the moms.


Our longest-serving partner Lydia Danielevna (at right), still going strong, could have retired long ago.

But she says, at 83, “My heart won't allow me to leave everything that has been done for our people.”


Anatoly officially heads our “Response of the Heart” team. He has committed
enormous resources from the church he pastors in Minsk, with a huge heart for anyone in need.


Anatoly’s wife Elena, perhaps the most joyful person on the planet, serves endlessly.


Elena P. serves faithfully, arranging our “Response of the Heart” team activities.

But it’s not just “coordination” for Elena P. She’s “all in,” every day.


Love doesn’t know borders. Love is just love.


Thanks for journeying with New Thing.


More adventures to come!


Much love,

Doug Brendel



(Photos by our dear friend Elena Rutkevich)

To help the people of Belarus by giving to New Thing online, click here

To send a check by snail mail: New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938

Thanks again!