is your love in action, inside
the former Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow our New Thing ministry in Belarus...
ÒDoing the dishesÓ never felt
If your dishwasher ever broke down, you remember what itÕs like to do dishes the Òold-fashioned way.Ó
Now imagine that your family included hundreds of hungry children.
That was life, year after year, for the kitchen workers at ÒCamp PlanetaÓ in Minsk.
This camp provides care for children still living in the high-radiation regions of Belarus near Chernobyl, as well as hundreds of other children from across the country.
WeÕve been helping them for years — maybe you remember some very happy kids playing on some great new playground equipment? (And last year, on a brand-new trampoline?)
For years, in the Camp Planeta kitchen, every dish had to be washed by hand ... every meal prepared in ancient pots.
But then came your love ... Your generous giving to New Thing provided a brand-new automatic dishwasher and a complete set of cooking pots!
The workers are celebrating!
HereÕs part of the joyous email received this past Monday by ÒThe Great Kozovaya,Ó our Response of the Heart team leader, from Camp Director Elena:
ÒThank you very much personally for helping us to buy a dishwasher and cooking boilers!
All employees are very happy with the acquisition.
The time spent on washing and cooking has been reduced.
The dishes are cleaner, because there are a lot of temperature modes of washing and rinsing in the machine.
And the quality of the cooked food is super compared to the old boilers!
In addition, new boilers heat faster and reduce energy costs!
Thank you very much to you and your American partners for taking care of our children's health!Ó
Maybe the best part: I never asked friends of New Thing for help with this project.
We were able to do this simply because friends like you decided to give, out of the goodness of your heart, knowing that 100% of any contribution would go into Belarus.
So when the need arose, the funds were already there.
God bless you for responding to that generous impulse.
Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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Thanks again!